Table of Contents

School of Economics and Business - (ISEM) - University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis

Introduction to Python - Master 1 Economy - Methodological prerequisites - EE (Economic Expertise)

Objectives of Teachings

This 18-hour module provides an introduction to the Python programming language.

Python is a modern, powerful and very accessible programming language for non-specialists. Today, it is used in many fields, both in the research world or in companies. It is a language that goes to the essential, minimizing technical constraints which makes it an ideal language to learn programming. It can help to solve a problem in a few lines of code. However, it can also be used for larger projects. It is free and open-source, and it can used under the main operating systems such as Windows, MacOS or Linux.

Courses will take place at the St Jean d'Angely campus, ISEM. See which rooms below.

Attendance in class is mandatory. Unjustified absences may have an impact on the final evaluation.


This course is for beginners and does not require any special computer skills.

You must take your laptop (PC or Mac). The Wifi Internet access should be available using your student card identifiers as ID.

Schedule 2025 (18h)

  1. Monday March 3nd | 13:00 - 16:00 (+3h) | room 202 (to confirm)
    • Why Python, first lines of code
    • Manipulate the variables
    • Tutorial 1 (exercises)

  2. Thursday March 5th | 13:00 - 16:00 (+6h) | room 202
    • Use of functions, logical conditions
    • Create a simple game in Python
    • Tutorial 2

  3. Monday March 17th | 13:00 - 16:00 (+9h) | room 202
    • Loops, lists and dictionaries (part 1)
    • Tutorial 3

  4. Thursday March 19th | 13:00 - 16:00 (+12h) | room 202
    • Loops, lists and dictionaries (part 2)
    • Tutorial 3

  5. Monday March 31th | 13:00 - 16:00 (+15h) | room 202
    • Access and manage files content
    • Tutorial 4

  6. Thursday April 2nd | 13:00 - 16:00 (+18h) | room 202
    • Create graphical interfaces : use of TKinter
    • Tutorial 5




Send me an email ( with your work, before these dates

Imagine a problem which needs to be solved using Python. This problem must be related to your Master's degree in economics, for example, it may involve sorting and calculating data contained in a file. Your instructions do not need to mention any technical concepts and have to be a “realistic”. If required, you can also provide one or more files with some values in a table-like format. ⇒ For example in .txt format, sorted by rows (separated using \t) and lines

Here some examples

I will send you a project proposal created by your colleagues (as soon as possible, ~1 week after I received the projects proposals). Before the dead-line, do the project and send me by email your program code. The program should be in Python and obviously should answer the project's problem. In addition, join also a small document report of a few pages (~5-20 pages, in pdf, doc or odt format) that summarize the initial problematic, how you planned to answered this (drawing, picture or flux diagram should be welcome) and how to use your program (ie. help or tutorial, using or not some data test as example).

If require, I am still open to questions by emails before these dates

Good luck.