- Need an account ⇒ ask Olivier Croce (croce@unice.fr)
- SSH only (command line)
- Your account is linked to a group. A group corresponds to an ircan's team.
- Disk space limitation by group (quota ~4To, by default), not for a single user. This means you share the same space with other people from your group
From any station with an internet access.
- Direct, if you are under unice domain (ie Ircan institut)
- Use the Unice VPN from outside the domain (http://nephi.unice.fr/Open/vpn-mac-natif.php , need a unice account)
ssh -X ocroce@professorx.unice.fr
* -X : optional ⇒ allows graphical remoted access (when launching some graphical tools from the server)
* ocroce : replace this by your login
* professorx.unice.fr : name of the serveur (same if you replace by the corresponding IP adress :
ssh -X ocroce@professorx.unice.fr
Note, if a problem for remote display appears (even “-X” option“ is used, no display output when opening graphical tools like rstudio), you should install “https://www.xquartz.org/”
SSH in not installed by defaut. You could installed and use “PuTTY” or any other tools.
The defaut password is “ircan”. Once connected, you must change it by typing : “passwd”
Note, at the first connection, if you have any ssh error or warning, try this (to remove old ssh key):
ssh-keygen -R
List of available tools :
ircan -t
(the list is also there : http://bioinfomed.fr/doku.php?id=version)
- Use “scp” command (see help on internet)
- Use a gaphical tool like Filezilla ou WinSCP
- Linux: Use directly your explorer (Dolphin, Konqueror… ig. "fish://ocroce@professorx.unice.fr")