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Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) - How to connect

Make a reservation

First, check and add your reservation on this schedule. Note there are 2 connections (=groups) maximum at the same time.
Add your name and the account to be used. There are 2 available accounts for IRCAN : “oc” and “gc


We set up 2 remote virtual machines (based on Windows 10), dedicated to the 2 IPA accounts.
Obviously, only a single user is allowed at the same time on the same machine, meaning that the connection will be rejected if someone is already logged.

  • Windows users

Open “Remote Desktop Connection” tool (somewhere is your “Start” menu or do a “search”).

Connect to the virtual machine using:

Without any login or password.

  • Linux users

- Under KDE ⇒ krdc rdp:// - Under Unity/Gnome ⇒ Remmina (or use any other tool for remote connection) using IPs given above.

Without any login or password. In any cases, check your firewall to allow port 3389

  • Mac users

(not tested)
Go to Mac App Store, search and download “Microsoft Remote Desktop” (free).
Open this tool and use the same method as for Windows users.

If any connection issue, check your firewall to allow port 3389

Use IPA from a computer outside the institute (e.g. from your home)

Having an unice email address allows to connect to the VPN (virtuel private network) of the university.
The procedure to connect this VPN is described on the website of the University here

⇒ Note: for Linux OS, the university website is not updated. If your are under Linux, see bellow.

VPN connection under Linux:

VPN connection under Linux:

  • You need an account to access to the Unice VPN. By default, it is created at the same time as your Unice email address and should be “unice_login@ircan” with unice_login = the login of your Unice emails.
  • Create a new VPN connection, under Network Manager (network icon in the taskbar) and add it as “VPNC” type
  • Modify options of this connection :

user: unice_login@ircan
pw: unice_password
group's name: IRCAN
group's password: nizzalaBella

- Then, under tab “ipv4”, under “ID and DHCP client” enter “dh2”
- Save and start this new VPN connection

More infos on the website of the university :

Once connected to the Unice VPN, use the same procedures described above.

tutos/ipa.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/30 12:10 by